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Sent from Orange, MA

At my high school friend Ken's place in Orange, MA now. He just left for a RC glider meet in Rhode Island. Had a great time with him last night. Pizza and beer in the garage. Good to catch up with him as it's been a few years since we last met. Ken took me to the airport where he dialed in a glider before this meet. Take offs are fun since a battery powers a motor and prop. Ken had me hold the glider while he rev'd the motor so I could feel the pull. Lots of thrust. Pretty cool I have to say. Fun to watch him seek out thermals. Anyway we said goodbye this morning. Good visit. Will be at my Dad's later today.

My high school friend Ken.

Ken with his bad ass radio controlled, motorized glider.

After powering up to altitude the engine cuts off and the carbon fiber propeller blades fold back for less drag.

Ken working on the electric bits.

Ken's also gotten into kite flying. This is a high end spool for use with kites.

Bye Ken!

Click to see Ken launch his motorized, RC glider.

Great seeing Don too, but I was glad to get to more rural places after leaving northern VA. Went through the Delaware Water Gap, a route on a bicycle tour I did once, and then to Guzzi friend Peter and Laura's house in Ridgefield, CT. Ridgefield, like much of CT is beautiful with great older houses. Had a very nice time talking to them. They're 11 miles from Jim Hamlin's Cycles in Bethel where I planned to have some maintenance done on the Norge.

Lunch at the Yard of Ale in Stroudsburg, PA. Very nice historic downtown area.

Somewhere in PA, NJ or NY, north of the Delaware Water Gap.

I had called Hamlin's Cycles and made an appointment with Jim Hanlin for 9:00 AM. After checking out my bike, they changed: They also installed new exhaust gasket due to an exhaust leak. I feel better about the ride home now. Jim test rode my bike after working on it and thought it ran great for an older bike. "Older bike? Moi?".

Jim Hamlin.

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Guzzis on their showroom floor.

The drive north from Don's had a lot of Interstate highway miles. 80% tractor trailers. Had never seen that many trucks before and hope that doesn't become a thing. Route 202 was nice. Will be on that today too.

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