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CO - Rte 92, and Black Canyon - 135 miles

Woke up on my second morning alongside beautiful Blue Mesa Reservoir to do Rte 92. The southern end of this road for about 25 miles is a destination sportbike road. So many curves. Pretty good quality pavement, but a technical road. Quite a few 15 or 20 mph corners. The south end terminates at Sapinero by the reservoir, and the good part peters out mid-way to Hotchkiss. I rode north to Crawford, fueled up, then headed back south. On the way I took the side road (5 miles of pavement, 6 miles of dirt) to the Black Canyon. WOW! It's like the Yosemite valley crammed into a few hundred yards wide, deep, scary canyon. They did an excellent job of building overlooks with guardrails that let you look straight down to the roaring river below. I got a bit of vertigo there. It's a know rock climbing site. Nice campground there too. No traffic on the way south. So fun.

Rode the 10-ish mile stretch along the reservoir back to my van. Loaded up, lunch and a beverage, then drove the van up over the San Juan Mountains on Rte 62 to my next campsite.

Heading to Crawford on Rte 92:

A scary overlook at the Black Canyon:

Cliffs at the Black Canyon:

Looking down at the Gunnison River below:

Heading back to the van on 92:
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