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Frontmost Triangle - 1/30/2001

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Just after brazing the bottom bracket to the front vertical tube that the front derailleur is mounted on. I spent extra time ensuring a square meeting of the tubes, tacking, checking and brazing.

A close up of the braze.

Brazing the boom tube to the bottom bracket, again being very careful about alignment.

I brazed the front vertical tube to the bottom bracket first to be able to use that tube for aligning when I brazed the boom to the head tube. These bricks and a flat level workbench actually work pretty well for jigging without a jig.

A close up of the boom tube meeting the head tube just before brazing.

Lots o' brass.

The boom is brazed, now time to braze the front top tube.

Close up of the front top tube meeting the head tube just before brazing.

The front top tube where it meets the front vertical tube. I left the water bottle cage braze-ons there on purpose. Who knows, maybe I'll add a missle launcher.

All brazed up with a bottom bracket and crankset thrown on for alignment checking. I measured from the sides of the bottom bracket back to the rear dropouts, both measurements were exactly the same according to my tape measurer. No cold setting needed.

Close up of the front triangle. I opted for this configuration for stiffness. It looks a tad funky, but I kind of like it.

The meeting of the 4 tubes to the head tube. Wondering if should add some gussets...

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