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Dave and I parted ways that Tuesday morning. I was on the road by 6:00 AM, and approaching the Rattlesnake Grade in southwest Washington, just south of Anatone soon thereafter. What a great sign.
And what a killer road. Huge elevation change in a short distance with twisty after twisty.
Rte 129 winding down Rattlesnake Grade to the Grande Ronde River below.
Found some free range livestock at the bottom of the grade. That was a jolt.
Coming up the Oregon/south side of the grade on a beautiful sunny morning. More great curves.
Rte. 3 winding down into Enterprise, Oregon. I really wish I had time to ride Rtes. 82 and 39 down into Hell's Canyon from there. It's supposed to be great. But 657 miles that day was more than enough.
I hadn't been on Rte 244 between La Grande, Oregon and Lehman hot springs. It's yet another superb road with gorgeous scenery. We stayed in a cabin at Lehman hot springs on our trip last year.
Just a nice set of curves in eastern Oregon.
Waaaaay out in the middle of nowhere, and I mean nowhere, between Wasco and Condo, Oregon, this house sits all by itself amidst the fields of grass. You gotta wonder, who lived there?
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